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A Closer Look at Veneers: Is Enamel Removal Part of the Process?

November 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pittsburghissmiling @ 8:38 pm
Patient talking to dentist about veneers

Thinking about getting veneers to make your smile shine? These beautiful enhancements can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth, but it’s important that you understand the process. Many patients don’t know that some of their tooth enamel is removed as part of the procedure. But how much is removed, and why? Continue reading to explore the details of the veneer process and see why enamel removal is necessary for a flawless smile.


Tooth Loss: How Can It Change Your Facial Shape

October 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pittsburghissmiling @ 5:30 pm
a dentist checking a patient’s jawline

Those who are missing some or even one of their teeth know how challenging daily tasks can be, such as speaking clearly, chewing food comfortably, or smiling confidently. That said, these aren’t the only issues that come from tooth loss. If left untreated, your facial structure can end up changing due to missing teeth. Read on to learn how tooth loss can negatively impact your jaw shape and how you can address this problem.


What to Do If You Lose a Dental Crown

September 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pittsburghissmiling @ 8:58 pm
person with lost dental crown covering mouth with hands

Dental crowns serve as protective shields for severely damaged or decayed teeth, and they can improve the appearance of a tooth after a root canal or address aesthetic issues. While dental crowns usually last around 15 years, they can sometimes get damaged or come loose. If you’ve lost a dental crown, continue reading to discover three key steps you should take until you can see your dentist for a repair or replacement.


The Post-Placement Diet for Dental Implants

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pittsburghissmiling @ 7:10 pm
Older woman enjoying a strawberry smoothie

Dental implants offer many health benefits, one of which is improved nutrition thanks to an expanded menu of safe foods. However, after your first placement, there’s still a little bit further left to go in your journey towards culinary freedom. Eating the wrong foods could disrupt the healing process, resulting in prolonged treatment or even implant failure.

To avoid complications and promote a smooth recovery, it’s best to listen to your dentist’s diet instructions. Keep reading to get a taste of what to expect.


Remember This Info about Dental Insurance!

July 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pittsburghissmiling @ 4:02 pm
man thinking and remembering important information

Unless you work in the insurance industry, these various plans can be utterly bewildering. Even though dental insurance is probably one of the simpler types, you may not fully understand it. However, not grasping its basic principles could end up costing you hundreds or thousands of dollars! What are some helpful bits of information to remember about dental insurance? Keep reading to find out!


Wobbly Dental Implant? Here’s What to Do

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pittsburghissmiling @ 3:53 pm
Patient talking with her dentist about a loose dental implant

Dental implants are typically one of the most reliable and long-lasting solutions for missing teeth. However, they’re not 100 percent effective (only 95). Sometimes, the unexpected happens and you’re left with a wobbly implant and a chest full of stress. While it is important to act quickly, don’t panic. Read on to learn just what to do should you ever find yourself with a wobbly dental implant.

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